Dec 27, 2020
Our top gains, Week 01
The journey to parenthood has just begun and we are all in. We have been preparing ourselves for many months, but as first timers you can...

Dec 10, 2020
Quick meals for new mums.
I always knew I'm not a 'freezer meal' friendly person. I have never pre-cooked, froze and thawed ready-meals to eat. I remember being a...

Dec 8, 2020
My top 5 weekly buys.
This will probably be my last weekly buys post. As I am approaching my due date, I am trying to slow down spending money and at the same...

Dec 5, 2020
5 Beauty products I love this days.
As I am still on a skincare detox, I will be sharing with you some of the beauty essentials that I am currently using. Most of them, if...